Will save from cancer and improve vision: The unexpected benefit of a popular plant is revealed


Petrushka-greens, which contains very useful and necessary minerals for our body. antioxidants, as well as reduce the risk of cancer and vision loss.

Vitamin K contained in parsley is required for bones and blood clotting, vitamins A and C have antioxidant properties, and proteins, fats and fibers are simply needed by our body. Squirrel,

  • less than 1 gram of fat,
  • 1 gram of fiber,
  • 108% of the daily rate of vitamin A,
  • 53% of the daily rate of vitamin C,
  • 547% of the daily rate of vitamin K,
  • .
  • 4% daily potassium.Antioxidants are compounds that prevent cell damage from free radicals. Our body requires a healthy balance of antioxidants and free radicals to maintain health.

    Parsley contains the following antioxidants: flavonoids, carotenoids and vitamin C.

    parsley supports bone health

    Human bones need certain vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. Parsley is rich in vitamin K – a nutrient for bone health is required. 30 grams of parsley provide more than 5 times more daily vitamin K.Oxidation stress is an imbalance of antioxidants and free radicals, which is associated with the development of some chronic diseases and cancer. Parsley is rich in flavonoids, antioxidants and vitamin C, which reduce oxidative stress in the body and can reduce the risks of developing some types of cancer. Protect your vision. Carotenoids are a pigment in plants that has powerful antioxidant activity. Lutein and Zeaxentine can prevent age degeneration of yellow spot. Bacteria contained in parsley can prevent the growth of bad bacteria, namely listeria and salmonella, which provoke food poisoning.

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    Author: alex

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