Wine is safer than beer – scientists

Drinking less than six Australian standard glasses of alcohol per week is associated with the lowest risk of developing atrial fibrillation atria, but not all alcohol is created equal, new research from the University of Adelaide shows.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is an irregular and rapid heart rate that can increase the risk of stroke, heart failure, and other heart complications. Symptoms include a fast heart rate, shortness of breath, and weakness.

Previous studies have shown that heavy drinking and drinking large amounts of alcohol increase the risk of developing atrial fibrillation, but it was unclear whether drinking small amounts of alcohol increases the risk of AF.< /p>

The study used data from the UK Biobank, a large-scale research database of health information collected from half a million British volunteers.

Lead author Samuel Tu, from the Heart Rhythm Disorders Center at the University of Adelaide, said the researchers found that those who drank less than six standard doses of alcohol per week had the lowest risk of developing AF.

“We also found that beer and cider consumption was associated with a greater risk of atrial fibrillation compared with red wine consumption and white wine,” he said. – “Our results show that responsible alcohol consumption of up to six servings per week is safe in terms of minimizing the risk of atrial fibrillation. For those who currently drink alcohol, drinking red or white wine may potentially be a safer alternative to other types of alcoholic beverages.”

It is important to note that these results do not apply to people who already have atrial fibrillation. , who may find that reducing their alcohol intake may reduce their symptoms.

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Author: alex

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