With which mental disorders are mobilized to the Armed Forces: a complete list

In Ukraine, during martial law and general mobilization, conscripted men may be exempted from conscription due to their health. In particular, this is possible if there are serious mental illnesses.

This is provided by the order of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine No. 262 of April 27, 2024, which approved changes to the Regulations on military medical examination in the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

It should be emphasized that in the presence of severe or moderately pronounced persistent mental disorders, a conscript can be declared unfit for service with exclusion from military registration.

The Military Medical Commission can declare suitable for military service is a conscripted person, if there are:

  1. Moderately expressed forms of personality disorders.
  2. Mild mental disorders that arose as a result of diseases or lesions of the brain – these can be moderately expressed or repeated psychotic states (distorted awareness of reality), affective states of a mild form (violation of emotions), pathological personality changes with manifestations of a persistent asthenic state that arose due to the above-mentioned disorders.
  3. Persistent compensations (minimal manifestations) of an acute brain disease or a closed craniocerebral injury.
  4. Mental diseases that arose due to addiction. We are talking about cases when addiction caused only moderate or minor mental disorders, and such a person is critical of his condition and behavior.
  5. Mood disorders with infrequent attacks and long periods of complete recovery (for example, acute polymorphic psychotic disorder without symptoms of schizophrenia).
  6. Mild forms of bipolar disorders with infrequent attacks and intervals of full mental health of at least two years.
  7. PTSD with moderately pronounced symptoms and a stable course.
  8. PTSD with a regressive type of course, that is, when the disorder becomes less intense and ended with mild asthenia – fatigue, weakness, mood changes.
  9. Moderate depressive, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders.
  10. Moderate depressive an episode with a favorable course ending in mild asthenia.
  11. A favorable course of a neurotic disorder if moderately pronounced and of short duration.
  12. Mild mental retardation with minimal or no behavioral disturbances.
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only after the conscript will be examined in a hospital and evidence-based methods will be used. The documents on the results of the examination and examination will indicate the main disease that caused the mental disorder.

It is worth emphasizing that such persons are suitable for service only in:

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Author: alex

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