Without gluten and 0% fat: such products are useful?

On the shelves of stores is increasingly common dietary food: 0% fat, without lactose, without gluten. It is believed that they are more correct, healthy. Advertising on social networks and television promotes such food. But are such products so useful? We understand our material.

What is the right diet?Healthy eating is very commonly regarded. It is believed that gluten, fats, especially animals and dairy, cholesterol, sugar should be excluded from the diet. Such statements are quite controversial and cause a lot of discussions among specialists. If there is no question of a disease in which one of the components is forbidden to use. Otherwise, it is enough to limit the consumption of harmful foods to maintain health. Each component has a nutritional value and needs the body.

Proper nutrition should be balanced – include all the components needed by the body.

Why such products need such products? For example, patients with lactase insufficiency, that is, do not tolerate milk and lactose products, milk sugar. People with gluten enteropathy do not tolerate cereal protein. Even those who have overweight. Fats should simply be reduced in the diet, but do not exclude them completely. Otherwise, the absorption of calcium, fat -soluble vitamins and metabolism will deteriorate. It is preferable to choose products from 1-2% fat, otherwise there may be health problems. Another disadvantage of their use is that they are more expensive than usual. And is it worth it – to lose your own health for your own money?

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Author: alex

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