Without surzhyk: how will “mutually” be in Ukrainian

Many Ukrainians gave up using the Russian language because of the war , which was started by Russia. But they can't always choose the right words.

The publication told how to say “mutually” in Ukrainian.

The word “mutually” is of ancient Greek origin and means interaction – literally translated as between themselves, between persons.

The adjective “mutual” is also derived from this word. There is an opinion that it came into the Ukrainian language from Polish, where “wzajiny” is the one that appears equally on both sides; mutual.

From time to time there is a mistake in the spelling of the word “mutual”. Yes, according to the dictionary, it is written together, and the option “mutually” is wrong.

There are several options that can serve as alternatives to the words “mutually” or “mutually”. , but the appropriateness of their use always depends on the context:

  • “Thank you, and you/and you!”;
  • “Thank you very much!”;
  • “Thank you very much!”;
  • “Thank you very much!”;
  • “Thank you very much!”.

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Author: alex

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