Women were advised the most useful sources of protein
A balance of protein in food is necessary for healthy bones and strong muscles . It helps control appetite and blood sugar levels. At the same time, the diet of a modern person is often unbalanced in terms of protein – many lovers of healthy food neglect its sources, and those who do not think about proper nutrition abuse products that contain protein.
Supplying the body with easily digestible protein is especially important. for women, nutritionists explain, because it helps prevent osteoporosis, a bone disease that is characteristic of older women. American nutritionists talked about the most useful protein products for women.
A lot of protein is contained in beef, reminds nutritionist Maggie Mikhalchyk. This meat is rich in iron, and in a form that is easily absorbed by the body. Women need to get plenty of iron in their diet to avoid anemia, she explains. At the same time, if there is an opportunity, it is better to choose meat from cows that were fattened on pasture, and not with grain on the farm. According to the expert, the meat of the former contains more vitamins and antioxidants.
Walnuts, in addition to protein, contain many healthy fats. They can reduce the risk of cognitive decline, breast cancer and heart disease, and also help the female body produce the necessary hormones, said nutritionist Ilsa Shapiro.
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