“Would better drink and smoke!”: 5 daily habits that kill more faithfully than smoking and alcohol


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our health depends first and foremost From our lifestyle: Some experts claim that the proportion of this factor is over 75%.

We all know what to do not to expose our health to unnecessary and unnecessary risk: not to smoke, not to abuse alcohol, not to get carried away with too fatty foods and “empty” calories …

But are we accurately Do we know about all the dangers? We have collected five everyday habits that almost everyone is indulged – and which are as capable of killing us as smoking, alcohol or malnutrition.

Not the worst thing you can do for your health is to spend too much time in a sitting state, be it at a table or in a car. cases of bowel cancer, as well as a significant part of cases of malignant breast tumors, lungs, prostate. >

Too much meat and cheese

Animal protein is rich in IGF-1, a hormone that can contribute to the growth of cancer. According to researchers at the University of Southern California, middle -aged people, whose diet includes many products high in animal proteins, four times more often die of cancer.

add more vegetable proteins to your diet – for example or nuts. This will allow you to compensate for the body's need for protein and at the same time protect against cancer.

If you are accustomed to cooking on a gas stove, then every day your body receives an additional dose of carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide and formaldehyde – the same substances that they receive smokers. Fortunately, you can handle this problem in a simple way by simply installing a hood.

habit of artificial tan

Despite all the research, the comments and warnings of the doctor, the popularity of tanning, including artificial, with solarium is still high. And even the fact that regular hiking in the solarium annually provokes twice as many cases of skin cancer than smoking – lung cancer, does not stop those who love more darkened and hotter.

Health, the first thing to do is how to protect your skin from the effects of ultraviolet light. > Sleep disadvantage

Even if you do not smoke, completely abandon alcohol, regularly exercise and eat proper It is threatened with a experience with a cigarette without a filter a day. , in a cool dark room, with normal flow of all phases of sleep. And don't settle for less!

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Author: alex

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