Wrinkles in 25 – why did we grow older faster?

Scientists from the State Research Center of Prof. Tradempedicine have recently spoke about premature death of people. You can really find 20-year-old wrinkles today. We will fade faster ancestors and therefore there are objective reasons.

Beat-coach, author of the personality of the person and the school of FaceFitnes Olga Malakhova told what factors contribute to rapid aging. Our body is busy with self -preservation and adaptation to new conditions, not to the beauty and youth of the skin.In order for the skin cells to be restored, rest is needed. In the modern world with the ideology “Sleep for the Weaks”, we wear out the body, not giving it a full rest.

“To better fall asleep, take a walk before bedtime, give up gadgets and TV an hour before going to sleep, go at the same time, preferably.

Anti -Fitness

“are the habits through which a person begins to look older. For example, the so -called “mimic masks” on the face, when you have to live the same emotion for a long time. Due to a long disorder, for example, the corners of the lips are lowered. Subsequently, the face begins to look older and older ”. Running food causes gastrointestinal problems, which in turn leads to skin problems – acne, dull complexion.

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Author: alex

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