You can find out about a hidden disease from the fact that a person dreams
According to scientists, people should stop ignoring dreams and perceive them as a symptom of problems in the body.
Dream specialist Lori Quinn Levenberg, the author of books about dreams from the United States, conducted a study with colleagues. As part of it, she decided to compare certain types of dreams with real health problems.
Lori Quinn believes that the human brain is always trying to warn him that his health is in danger. It is especially worth paying attention to dreams that are repeated regularly.
Yes, in her opinion, there are a number of dreams that are symptoms.
Fire in the house. Such a dream scenario suggests that a person experiences chronic stress and nervous tension, which threatens nervous exhaustion.
Car. If a person regularly dreams that he is going somewhere in a car, this indicates that he feels discomfort in real life, through which he is trying to get out. If in a dream the brakes of a car suddenly fail, it means that a person has taken on a lot of obligations and affairs and his body cannot cope. Because of this, she may have problems with the heart and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.
Water. A terrible dream in which drowning occurs also indicates overwork. A person needs to change his real life as soon as possible.
Blood. If a sleeping person sees bleeding, then this indicates an increased level of anxiety, which may soon turn into heart disease.
Falling. The moment of falling that many people experience does not bode well, according to Lori Quinn Levenberg. She believes that the body sends a signal that there are problems in the nervous system.
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