You can lose your entire orchard because of this disease.
Seedling after seedling – the green mass gradually increases and the gardens bloom. A great disappointment can befall when you can lose your entire orchard because of one infected tree. To prevent this from happening, you need to identify problems in time and eliminate them. But not all diseases can be cured. One of these can destroy the entire orchard.
What disease spoils trees
Not only gardeners know about it well. Cancer is merciless and insidious. You can understand that it has appeared on trees by growths with a granular structure. They are located on trunks, branches and roots. The following trees are affected by cancer:
- cherries;
- pears;
- apple trees;
- sweet cherries;
- grapes;
- raspberries.
As we can see from the list, fruit bushes can also become victims of cancer. The disease spreads through inventory. rain, seeds and young infected seedlings. If the tree has wounds, the risk of infection also increases.
The plant or tree must be dug up along with the roots. Do not throw it into the compost, as this will spread the infection even more. For burning only.
It is recommended to treat the soil with fungicides as a preventive measure. Do not forget to disinfect tools when working in the garden to prune branches. You can reduce the risks by choosing tree varieties that are resistant to cancer diseases for planting.
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