You can quarrel correctly: the advice of a psychologist so as not to harm the relationship

Sometimes even minor arguments can lead to fights that damage the relationship. Any couple cannot do without arguments and conflicts, but it can be done so that the relationship does not fall apart.

Psychologist Andrew J. Marshall shared tips on how to argue properly. His advice was published by the Healthista portal.

Choice of words

Marshall advises avoiding the words “always” and “never” as well as “must” and “must” because they cause a negative reaction. It's better to express your feelings by saying “I'm angry” than “you're pissing me off.”

One point at a time

It's important to focus on one problem at a time. once, and not to list all the troubles at once. This increases the chances of effective conflict resolution.

Insert praise

When expressing disagreement, it is a good idea to add compliments or positive feedback. This helps to maintain a positive atmosphere during the dispute.

Frankness in communication

You should not expect your partner to guess your feelings or thoughts. Openness helps avoid the accumulation of resentment.

Arguments during activities

You should not spend all your time arguing. Discuss problems during joint activities that reduce emotional stress.

Coordinating times

If the argument started before bedtime, agree to continue it at another convenient time so that avoid emotional exhaustion.

Avoid provocation

The argument should start with an invitation to dialogue, not with incitement or provocation.

< b>Abandoning the role of a victim

You should not put yourself in the position of a victim. It is important that both partners consider the possibility of changes in their behavior, and not just blame each other.

Change the way you think about arguments

Arguments are a natural part of a relationship and can be useful for their strengthening, if approached constructively.

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Author: alex

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