You still have to break through this wall everywhere: 5 cold-blooded signs of the Zodiac, whose emotions are difficult to know


These mysterious creatures are known for their ability to hide their true feelings, which sometimes leads to misunderstandings

If you want to approach them or to attract their attention, it will obviously be difficult for you. Most often it depends on the sign of the Zodiac. So which 5 signs of the Zodiac are particularly cold-blooded?

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Many people think that Aquarius is the embodiment of coldness and aloofness. But do not rush to judge by appearance! This air sign may look like he doesn't care about other people's problems, but in reality he just prefers to stay in the shadows so as not to seem pushy. Aquarius carefully hides their warm feelings and deep feelings, fearing to be rejected. On the inside, he can be as friendly and responsive as a spring breeze, it's just that his inner world is a personal territory that he tells only those closest to him.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

When you meet a Sagittarius, first impressions can be deceiving. This fire sign radiates charisma and positivity, but after a few encounters, when emotions begin to surface, you may encounter its less friendly side. Under the outer layer of cheerfulness and optimism hides an impatient and sometimes cold character. When a Sagittarius is angry, their harsh words and actions can make you feel like you've been caught in an ice storm. Problems that he considers personal can cause him to become vindictive and cold, and then he will return to his usual bright appearance.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Do not let yourself be deceived by the external coldness of Scorpio! Known for their emotional intensity, this sign may appear like a frozen block of ice, but in reality, their feelings are raging beneath the surface. Scorpio is a storm in a glass of water, ready to explode at any moment. His seeming indifference and cynical behavior are often just a defensive reaction to his deep inner feelings. If you touch on his personal problems, which he carefully hides from prying eyes, you may encounter his unfriendly side. But behind this mask of rigidity hides a sensitive soul, capable of experiencing every emotion with the same intensity as feeling it.

Gemini (May 22 – June 21)

< p>If you've ever met a Gemini, you've probably noticed their mastery at changing masks. This air sign seems obsessed with endless transformation. One minute – and you are enjoying their sincere charm, and in a moment their attention can disappear, leaving you in the shadow of their cold indifference. Like a merry-go-round of emotions at a fair, Gemini's moods change at the speed of light. They know how to be attractive and benevolent, but just as easily and quickly plunge into their inner experiences, leaving others outside their emotional vortex. If you decide to hang out with a Gemini, be prepared for constant emotional upheavals and hold on to your hat – their mood switch is really on full speed!

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries – is a zodiac thunderbolt known for his straight-forward approach to life. This fire sign is not afraid to express its opinion and does it with such enthusiasm that many simply cannot breathe. Aries don't bother with fancy wording or diplomacy. They can simply unfold their feelings and thoughts in front of you, leaving no chance for misunderstanding. If you decide to ask Aries for an honest opinion about yourself or the situation, be prepared to hear the truth, sometimes harsh and harsh. Aries believe that honesty is their main trump card and see no reason to hide their true feelings, even if it hurts. Their frankness may shock you and make you wonder if you should ask directly next time.

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Author: alex

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