Zaluzhny named the number of killed and wounded Ukrainians


Ukraine lost 50 thousand people in a full-scale war with Russia. 

The expedition commander of the Armed Forces said this, and now the Ambassador of Ukraine to the UK, Valery Zaluzhny, during a meeting with the Ukrainian Catholic University community. The result is zero because it is a critical point that we think we are unlikely to pass. And at the same time, the war changed. Absolutely. Under the influence of two factors. The first is demography. I pay attention: 50 thousand killed in Ukraine and about 300,000 wounded were critical. Now it is practically no one to fight, ”Zaluzhny said. Can. They can even lead them to the front, because it is tyranny. They can do it. But will they fight? This is another thing, ”added Zaluzhny. FrameBorder = “0” Alow = “Accelerometter; Autoplay; Clipboard-Write; Encrypted-Media; Gyroscope; Picture-In-Picture; Web-Share” RefererPolicy ALLOWFULLSCREN TITLE = “There was a fracture … a strong speech of Zaluzhny before Ukrainians in Lviv”>

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Author: alex

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