Zodiac sign compatibility in love: who is suitable for a healthy relationship
Astrologers know that the compatibility of the zodiac signs in love plays an important role in creating harmonious and healthy relationships. If the partners do not agree zodiacally, it will be very difficult to build a family. That is why it is advisable to pay attention to the constellation under which he was born when choosing a chosen one.
It will determine the degree of success in a happy and long family life. Many people, even in adulthood, do not understand the reason for love failures, and they could be avoided if they paid attention to which zodiac signs are suitable for each other.
Aries (21.03-19.04)
Aries is endowed with violent and boundless energy, always ready to try something new. People under this sign get along well with enterprising constellations that do not let fear interfere with new emotions and experiences. Leo, Sagittarius and Gemini are ready to explore the unknown, take risks and are always looking for thrills.
Who are Aries compatible with:
- Leo;
- Sagittarius;
- Gemini.
Taurus (20.04-21.05)
They are often called practical and even a little down to earth. And there are many advantages to this. But only for partners who are similar to them, set goals and make plans. Taurus wants to feel safe, so they do not experience unnecessary nervousness or lack of stability.
Who are Taurus compatible with:
- Capricorn;
- Virgo;
- Pisces.
Gemini (22.05-21.06)
Gemini is another energetic sign that is important to maintain a high level of relationships and do everything for their development. Libra and Aquarius will easily provide them with physical and intellectual stimulation, as they are distinguished by a high level of intelligence, good manners and a passion for everything new. But Aries will also suit them, because both signs are equally open to new experiments.
Who are Gemini compatible with:
- Libra;
- Aquarius;
- Aries.
Cancer (June 22-July 22)
Cancers are very traditional, so family means literally everything to them. They are caring and sooner or later they will still want to become parents. Those signs who will lay a solid foundation for their relationship and build a comfortable life with them will be able to walk alongside them on their life's journey. Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus perfectly satisfy this need.
Who are Cancers compatible with:
- Capricorn;
- Virgo;
- Taurus.
Leo (July 23-August 22)
It is easy for Leos to express their feelings, and they do so with all their heart. Despite some drama, they have boundless creativity and romance. Their soulmate will be someone who will not run away or push away when their dark side manifests. Esotericists believe that prudent Libras will be able to balance them, Pisces will read emotions and calm their temper without unnecessary words, and Aries will give unforgettable romance.
Who are Leos compatible with:
- Libra;
- Pisces;
- Aries.
Virgo (23.08-22.09)
Astrologers claim that it is very difficult for this sign to find the right partner. It's all about excessive pickiness. Virgos do not want to compromise, give in and put up with unjustified and inflated expectations of a partner. They need someone who is self-confident, strong and charismatic, so Taurus, Capricorn and Cancer will be a good option.
Who are Virgos compatible with:
- Taurus;
- Capricorn;
- Cancer.
Libra (September 23-October 22)
Air Libras like to surround themselves with interesting and eye-pleasing people and things. They love entertainment, but at the same time try to maintain a balance between restraint and complete detachment during relaxation. And that is why Gemini, Aquarius and Leo are ideal for them. The first guarantee them adventures, the second will support the conversation, and the third will happily go to a social event with them.
Who are Libras compatible with:
- Aquarius;
- Gemini;
- Leo.
Scorpio (23.10-22.11)
These are passionate and persistent individuals who want relationships with a spark and cannot stand stale partners, especially in bed. They will be fine with a representative of a similar constellation. If the object of their love sighs cannot express their feelings, it brings them longing and despair. They are destined for long and happy relationships with Pisces and Cancer.
Who are Scorpios compatible with:
- Scorpio;
- Cancer;
- Pisces.
Sagittarius (23.11-21.12)
Sagittarius love change and like to constantly discover new places and meet new people. For them, it is important to have a person who will give independence when it is needed, but at the same time will be able to keep up with their active lifestyle. And that is why they get along well with energetic Gemini and Aries. The former inspire them, and the latter will be able to curb their wild adventurism.
Who are Sagittarius compatible with:
- Gemini;
- Aries;
- Sagittarius.
Capricorn (22.12-20.01)
They can be recognized by their innate hard work and increased responsibility. They like to do interesting things, but before that they carefully plan each move. Next to them should be a practical and purposeful partner who has clear goals in life. Virgo and Taurus will form a balanced union, and the traditional values of Cancer will complement the practicality of Capricorn.
Who are Capricorns compatible with:
- Taurus;
- Virgo;
- Cancer.
Aquarius (21.01-18.02)
Aquarius values independence, so they will not tolerate an obsessive partner around them. They like to be with those who stand firm on their feet. Gemini is ideally suited to this sign, because they sincerely like the desire of their significant other to maintain freedom.
Who are Aquarius compatible with:
- Gemini;
- Aries;
- Libra.
Pisces (19.02-20.03)
People born under this sign are characterized by increased sensitivity and a desire for caresses from their chosen one. They need a gentle and sensitive partner who will understand the full range of their emotions without unnecessary words. Soft Cancers will cope with this task perfectly. Pisces will be able to build a healthy relationship with them.
Who are Pisces compatible with:
- Cancer;
- Virgo;
- Scorpio.
Psychologists believe that you can build a healthy relationship only with a healthy mental partner.
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